../WASP-WISE postdoc position on machine learning for chemical process discovery

We are looking for a postdoc to collaborate on machine learning for chemical process discoveries.


Thin film materials are crucial in various technologies. One major method for making thin films is chemical vapour deposition (CVD), and it is typically analysed via computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. However, CFD simulations for designing CVD processes are usually costly and lack uncertainty quaitifications. This project aims to develop new machine learning methods (e.g., generative diffusion models, physics-informed neural networks, or probabilistic numerics) to accelerate CFD computations and improve predictive modelling for CVD.


The candidate should hold (or be close to obtaining) a PhD degree related to one of the three fields: 1) computational/statistical chemistry, 2) statistical machine learning, or 3) scientific computing.

Strong merit will be given to candidates with research experience in one or more of the following areas.

  • Computational simulations of chemical processes (e.g., CVD).
  • Computational fluid dynamics or (probabilistic) numerical methods for PDEs.
  • Generative diffusion models.
  • Physics-informed neural networks.
  • Deep learning for chemistry.

We welcome applications from machine learning researchers interested in chemical applications, as well as computational chemists eager to explore machine learning methods.


The project is funded by WASP and WISE, and you will be hosted by Division of Statistics and Machine Learning (STIMA) and Division of Chemistry (KEMI) at Linköping University. At STIMA, we have a strong team working on diffusion models and statistical machine learning in general. At KEMI, we have a world-leading research group on CVD.

At Linköping University, a postdoc employment takes at least two years with a possibility of extending to three years. The project formally lasts for one year. During the rest time of the employment, the candidate may continue the project or pursue a new research topic, subject to agreement.


To see details and apply please visit https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies/26291. The deadline is 20.04.2025.

Contact persons

For questions please email to Zheng Zhao and Henrik Pedersen ([email protected]).